The DVSA’s frontline enforcement staff have access to a new search app to get all the information they need on a mobile phone or tablet device by scanning a licence plate or VIN number. This will save time at enforcement stops and enable them to get the information they need for further action if required.
Roadside checks enable the DVSA to take action against dangerous drivers and vehicles. Operators accredited with Earned Recognition are much less likely to be stopped for a roadside check. For compliant operators that get stopped the new app will save time and money for both the DVSA and the Operator. It is estimated that the app will save operators up to 20 minutes in an enforcement roadside stop. By saving time on compliant operators more time can be spent on non-compliant operators.
Scanning a registration number will enable the DVSA to access useful intelligence to make an informed decision whether to examine the vehicle or conduct further investigations. Information available includes:
Operator Compliance Risk Score (OCRS)
Test data
Operator details
Outstanding prohibition notices
ANPR recognitions to validate drivers’ hours records
Road levy payment details
Source: DVSA Moving On.